Welcome to Operation Roger... Truckers Pet Transport!

Latest News Items:

SPECIAL OFFERS IN OUR STORE -- Saturday March 21st, 2020

We have new designed T-Shirts, Collectibles, and more. In OUR STORE on the Menu Bar of our website ... operationroger.com. See how to get a Tax Deductible Receipt and free product just by supporting Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport.

PET MICROCHIPPING SERVICE -- Thursday February 20th, 2014

February 20, 2014

Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport announces a service in cooperation with Mobile Pet Microchipping, located in Southern California, to provide microchipping to all pets being transported with the pet's destination either commencing in, passing through, or whose final destination is in one of the following 7 (seven) Southern California counties: Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, Orange, and Santa Barbara.

With Operation Roger transporting and Mobile Pet Microchipping protecting your pets, they couldn't be in safer hands. To take advantage of this service, you do not have to have a transport pet on with Operation Roger.

2014 promises to be a fabulous year as Operation Roger has its goal in place to transport many, many more displaced pets in addition to the nearly 1,000 it has conveyed since its inception in 2005. With the addition of Mobile Pet Microchipping, your pet’s well-being is further ensured.

Mobile Pet Microchipping Services Provided:
• Each pet will be microchipped to the new owner;
• All pets will be enrolled in the following three (3) registries: AKC REUNITE™ (American Kennel Club), the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association), and FoundAnimals.org microchip registries;
• The owner of each pet will be given two (2) tags, a Microchip Certification, a personalized permanent folder, after-implant instructions, and photographed, plus will be given other appropriate documentation and various supplemental information.
• The current cost of $80 for all the above includes a small donation to Operation Roger. This cost is subject to change at any time without prior notification.

Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is structured, in part, and as set down in its Mission Statement* to:
• Transport, through the use of Volunteer Commercial Truck drivers, lost, abandoned, rescued, or left behind pets to new protective homes nationwide
• Relieve the burden of pet transport from county and publicly operated SPCA’s and pet adoption agencies to new homes
• Train volunteer truck drivers in the care of adoptive animals and
• Provide supportive and leadership functions in strengthening the spiritual welfare of truck drivers and others.

As always, Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport and Mobile Pet Microchipping have your pet's safety at the forefront of their mutual concern.

If you are in need of transportation for an animal who has a new fur-ever home but needs TLC and a hitchhike to get there, please visit OPERATION ROGER TRUCKERS PET TRANSPORT at http://www.operationroger.com to secure the Pet Transport Application. *Operation Roger’s Mission Statement can be found on their website.

To obtain more information about microchipping, please visit MOBILE PET MICROCHIPPING at www.chippit.org. (Hint: Be sure to type the two (2) p’s in chippit.)

NEW AREAS AVAILABLE -- Wednesday February 19th, 2014

Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport currently has one driver who goes to Alaska and Canada but not during the winter.

We currently have a Canadian team who travels the southern tier of Canada as well as the United States.

Hopefully, these drivers will be able to help in moving more pets in those areas. It won't be immediate, of course, but is definitely possible.

FUND RAISING COMMITTEE -- Wednesday February 19th, 2014


2014 MATS PRESS RELEASE -- Wednesday February 19th, 2014

Louisville, KY
March 31 - April 2, 2011



WHO: Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport will be in Louisville, KY, March 27-29, 2014, in Booth #66245 along with our friends from Trucker Charity Inc. as well as at our tent on the Papa Johns Stadium parking lot each evening following the show.

WHY? We are trying to spread the word and recruit more wonderful truck drivers to volunteer in our quest to get loving needy pets to their new fur-ever homes. In addition, we want to expand our Nationwide Network of Layover Homes and Shuttle Drivers to assist in these transports.

GOAL: Our goal is to be known to more drivers who can transport these pets so we can in turn help rescue groups and individuals who spend so much of their time and energy in saving pets from being put to sleep simply because of over crowding. These selfless people rescue pets from horrific situations and then find homes for them. It is with the help of friends old and new that we can accomplish our goals. Since our inception in 2005, we have safely and lovingly transported over 800 pets with 114 transported in 2013 alone.

ANNUAL PET GAMES: Saturday afternoon. 8 categories: Best Trick, Cutest, Most Ugly, Best Howler, Most Look Alike (the owner), Most Lazy, Best Dressed, Most Brave, and Best of Show.

ANNUAL DRIVER’S AUCTION: Saturday night. This is our one major fund raiser. Your support by donating product would be very much appreciated. Monetary sponsorship is also appreciated.

ANNUAL PET ADOPTIONS: Thursday, Friday, Saturday afternoons (hopefully).

Donations in the form of product for the auction or funds will be both accepted and appreciated.

Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport www.operationroger.com / operationroger01@yahoo.com 682-622-1172

HELP US HELP YOU -- Thursday January 24th, 2013

Operation Roger exists entirely on donations.
While the application donation helps cover the basic office expenses, we need your donations to help us go to three major trucking shows and a media conference this year.
Our objective is to get more truck drivers acquainted with us with the hope some will then become passionate transporters. Without these drivers we cannot help you get your pet from point a to point b.
Help us help you. Go to the PayPal Donate button on the left side of any of our web pages at www.operationroger.com. You do not have to have a PayPal account to use it. There is a second page for debit/credit cards.
WE NEED YOUR DONATIONS to continue what we do for you.
The first of these truck show is MATS, March 21-23, 2013, in Louisville, KY. The booth cost alone is $1,200, plus gas (about $750), hotels (about $600), food, etc. A freak down burst during tornado weather last year destroyed our two 10x20 tents. We need to buy two more asap which will cost about $150-$200+ each!
It isn't cheap trying to help you transport your pets. Donate please! Any amount accepted.
Best Dressed, Best Howler, Best Trick, Most Look-a-Like (the owner), Most Brave, Cutest, Ugliest, and Best of Show.
Cat and Dog related donations for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd place and Best of Show winners would be appreciated. Need them by March 1.
You can e-mail operationroger01@yahoo.com for the address. Be sure to tell us about the item you are wishing to donate.
God Bless.
Thanks to all, Roger

OPERATION ROGER 2-22-12 -- Wednesday February 22nd, 2012

Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport Yahoo E-mail was hacked.

We are NOT in Madrid, Spain. How I wish!!! DO NOT reply. DO NOT send these 'people' (I won't say what I wanted to say) any money whatsoever.

The totally sad part of this is ALL of our contacts are gone. ALL of our file folders are gone.

So...if you e-mailed us for whatever reason prior to 0900 central time today, it's gone. Please e-mail us again. We are not ignoring anybody; just can't reply to those I don't know about.

This can happen to anybody...unfortunately. When hackkers don't have anything better to do than do things like this, the tables will someday be turned. They will get their due.

Operation Roger 2-22-12

OPERATION ROGER CALENDAR -- Monday August 29th, 2011

OPERATION ROGER 2012 CALENDAR In The Works!! Would you like to sponsor a picture of your pet/pet & family/pet transport on a full page calendar? You can for a donation of $100 or Smaller 4x6 picture for only $55 or Smaller 2x3 picture for only $30. Tell us Who-What-When-Where of picture Ad space for your business/rescue are available also. Just want to order a calendar? No problem. No cost known yet. More Orders=Less Price. Need commitments asap. Three (3) full page months already sponsored. Know anyone who would be interested? Contact Tracie *please send all pictures and info to truckup69@yahoo.com Any questions call 405-742-7595

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2010 -- Friday December 24th, 2010

We wish to thank everyone for their support in our volunteer truck drivers' efforts to transport needy pets across the country. To date we have successfully completed 102 transports for 2010 with at least one more enroute. Thank you for trusting us. While we can't get to them all in the time frame the shippers and receivers would like, we do try. In fact, our drivers get very discouraged when they aren't in the right areas at the right time and going the right direction. We rejoice in the pets we do get to help. It brings many big smiles to the drivers. Check out the stories for 2010 on our website. If there isn't a photo along with the story and you have one, please e-mail it to operationroger01@yahoo.com along with any comments.

SC Import Requirements -- Friday July 16th, 2010

South Carolina Import Requirements
Dog and Cat (Canine/Feline)

CVI - Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (valid for 30 days)
Rabies vaccination on all animals 4 months of age or older.
Rabies vaccination within 3 years of entry and rabies certificate on adult (1 year or older) dogs or cats.
Vaccinated at 4 months of age with one year booster required on puppies or kittens.
Not exposed to or from an area under quarantine for Rabies.
Check Emergency Notices for any additional requirements.

Preston's Pick of the Wee -- Thursday July 1st, 2010

We want to thank Rachel P for the following:

"I am in the process of starting up a pet blog and just wanted to let you know I picked your organization as Preston's pick of the week to feature on his blog, his face book account, as well as his dogster account. Here is the link to his article ...
Look under What Preston is Saying

FIREBURNDOCTOR.AOL -- Tuesday May 18th, 2010

ph: 1-818-332-6445
SAVE this phone number in your cell phones! Already 119 cases in 38 States!
No pain, No grafting, No scarring... and No Risk. Call medical Doctor Joseph Watson for immediate remote intervention. Call within the first 30 minutes, on your way to the hospital!
FREE processing is in addition to normal medical procedures and is done in a minute.
Watch Instant Burn Recovery video with Fire Chief Joe Lowe.
MOTHERS ! If you, your child, or someone you love is burned by fire, laser, explosion, or scalding water CALL IMMEDIATELY ON YOUR WAY TO THE HOSPITAL, within the first 30 minutes of exposure. Call, text or email to medical Doctor Joseph Watson the precise TIME of the burn and the victim's: NAME at birth, DATE of birth, PLACE of birth, and if possible, ANY PHOTOGRAPH, to fireburndoctor@aol.com>BR> STICK THIS NUMBER EVERYWHERE: on the Refrigerator Door, Car, Wallet, Cell phone, iPod, Website, Kids' Backpacks, Binders, Bulletin Boards, Emails, Blogs and your own back pocket... 1-818-332-6445
This public service announcement contains vital information on the Burn Eradication Project that saves lives and stops the terrible pain, suffering and disfigurement from burns, using a state-of-the-art process that bypasses the deleterious effects of burns at a phenomenal rate, for FREE, from a distance, with no risk, drastically reducing the need for expensive medical procedures.
SAVE the number in your own cell phones, 1-818-332-6445, and please pass it on.
WATCH NOW! Instant Burn Recovery PSA video
READ: Recent Burn Cases Reports
CONTACT US: Burn Cases, Inquiries, Questions BURN ERADICATION PROJECT: "Rush when you burn yourself, rush!"

TheBark.com On Line -- Monday December 14th, 2009

Read the Operation Roger TPT interview with writer Lisa Wogan in the December 11 on-line edition of TheBark.com entitled: "Dogs On Board Operation Roger: Truckers hauling rescue dogs home" TheBark.com | 11 Dec 2009 or go to our website www.operationroger.com and click on Articles on the Menu Bar then scroll down to 2009. Pictures of dogs included.

6 Y/O EXPLAINS LIFE/DEATH -- Saturday November 14th, 2009

“Why dogs don't have to live so long”
(ORTPT doesn't know who this vet is or the family but we thank him for the story and the person who sent it to us.)
Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog's owners, Ron, his wife, Lisa, and their little six-year-old boy, Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle. I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.
As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience. The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker's family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on.
Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away. The little boy seemed to accept Belker's transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker's death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal lives are shorter than human lives. Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, 'I know why.' Startled, we all turned to him.
What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I'd never heard a more comforting explanation. He said, 'People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life--like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?' The six-year-old continued, 'Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.' Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly.
Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
-When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
-Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
-Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
-Take naps.
-Stretch before rising.
-Run, romp, and play daily.
-Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
-Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
-On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
-On hot days, drink lots of water and lie down under a shady tree.
-When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
-Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
-Be loyal.
-Never pretend to be something you're not.
-If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
-When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog.
If you can't eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away.

Burn Victim Information -- Thursday October 29th, 2009

The following came from burn victim advocate Jane Clements.
This email and public service announcement contains vital information that saves lives and stops the terrible pain, suffering and disfigurement from burns.
The new "Instant Burn Recovery PSA" video link:
If you, your child, or someone you love is burned by fire, laser, explosion, or scalding water
IMMEDIATELY ... within the first hour of exposure, call, text or email the PRECISE TIME of the Burn to medical doctor Joseph, with the victim's
1. NAME (at Birth)
2. DATE of Birth
3. PLACE of Birth
4. If possible, ANY PHOTOGRAPH
on the Refrigerator Door, Car, Wallet, Cell phone, iPod, Websites, Kids' Backpacks, Binders, Bulletin Boards, Blogs and your own back pocket. Tell all the people to do the same.
The new "Instant Burn Recovery PSA" video link:

PETS & MRSA -- Wednesday September 23rd, 2009

[An interested friend of Operation Roger sent us this information. We put it here for your information.]
Tie to Pets Has Germ Jumping to and Fro
By BRENDA GOODMAN Published: September 21, 2009
For decades, the drug-resistant germ called MRSA was almost exclusively a concern of humans, usually in hospitals and other health care settings.
(Share your thoughts on this column at the Well blog. Go to Well » )
A critical evaluation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and other bacteria of medical interest on commonly touched household surfaces in relation to household demographics (American Journal of Infection Control)
Health Guide: MRSA Infection
But in recent years, the germ has become a growing problem for veterinarians, with an increasing number of infections turning up in birds, cats, dogs, horses, pigs, rabbits and rodents. And that, infectious-disease experts say, is becoming a hazard to humans who own or spend time with these animals.
“What’s happened for the first time that we’ve noticed is that you’re getting flip back and forth,” said Scott Shaw, head of the infection control committee at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.
It is unknown how often pets play a role in human infections by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vice versa; physicians and veterinarians do not routinely trace such infections to their source. When such scientific sleuthing is conducted, however — usually in the case of multiple or recurring infections — the results suggest a strong link.
In 2008, for example, an elephant calf and 20 of its caretakers at the San Diego Zoo contracted MRSA skin infections. An investigation by the zoo and state health officials determined that the calf, which was eventually euthanized, had probably been infected by a keeper who unknowingly carried the bacteria. (The case was reported in The Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.)
Still, experts are not recommending routine testing of pets and their humans. Instead, they call for the same kinds of precautions that apply to other pathogens, especially frequent washing or sanitizing of hands before and after playing with a pet.
The first cases of MRSA in pets, about five years ago, appeared to be in therapy dogs and other animals exposed to patients or health care workers. Those animals are still thought to be at greatest risk, but the pattern might be changing.
In a study this summer in The American Journal of Infection Control, Elizabeth A. Scott and her colleagues at the Center for Hygiene and Health in Home and Community at Simmons College in Boston swabbed household surfaces like kitchen and bathtub drains, faucet handles, toilets, high chairs, trash cans and kitchen sponges at 35 randomly selected addresses to see what germs they would find. They found MRSA in nearly half of the homes they sampled.
When they tried to figure out what might make it more likely to have the bacteria at home, they ruled out many supposed risk factors, including working out at a gym, having children who attended day care, having a recent infection or recent antibiotic use, and even working in a health care facility.
The one variable that overwhelmingly predicted the presence of the germ was the presence of a cat. Cat owners were eight times more likely than others to have MRSA at home.
“There are a number of papers coming out now showing that pets pick up MRSA from us,” Dr. Scott said, “and that they shed it back into the environment again.”
Dr. Scott’s next study will screen patients scheduled for elective surgeries. When she finds MRSA, she will also test their pets to determine how common that transmission might be.
“This is a burgeoning epidemic,” said Dr. Richard L. Oehler, an infectious disease specialist at the University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa, who reviewed case reports of MRSA’s jumping between people and animals. Dr. Oehler’s paper appeared in July in The Lancet.
Dr. Oehler recounted the case of a diabetic man with recurrent MRSA skin infections that were eventually traced to his dog, a Dalmatian who carried the bacteria but was not ill. “He would sleep with the couple in the bed and lick them in the face,” said Dr. Farrin A. Manian, chief of infectious diseases at St. John’s Mercy Medical Center in St. Louis.
Dr. Manian believes the dog was infected by its owner, but then served as a reservoir for the bacteria, reinfecting his patient. “Only after we treated all three members of the family were we able to get rid of the infections,” Dr. Manian said.
Then there was the case of the 15-year-old girl and her calico cat; both developed MRSA infections. DNA fingerprinting confirmed that the bacteria in wounds on the girl’s arm and near the cat’s tail were the same.
J. Scott Weese, a veterinary internist and microbiologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, believes MRSA infections transmitted between people and animals are relatively rare.
His tests of randomly selected dogs, for example, have shown that at any given time only 2 to 3 percent carry MRSA on their fur or skin or in their saliva. And even if a pet becomes colonized, meaning that the bacteria take up residence and reproduce, veterinarians say most healthy animals should be rid of it in a matter of weeks.
For protection, Dr. Oehler recommends hand washing or using hand gels before and after playing with a pet, not letting a pet lick people around the face, and not washing pet food or water bowls in the same sink that food is prepared.
People should also wear gloves when attending to pets that have open wounds, he said, and should keep any of their own broken skin bandaged. And Dr. Oehler advised owners to be more attentive to their pets’ health in general.
“In many of these cases, there was a lack of awareness that the animal was ill,” he said. “If a pet has a wound, they need that evaluated.”
Dr. Weese, who estimated that relatively few animals were infected, nevertheless agreed that attentiveness was in order. “In the grand scheme of things with MRSA, pets are a pretty minor thing,” he said. “But when you consider how many MRSA infections are occurring in North America at the moment, if they’re a minor component of a major disease, that’s still something we need to be aware of.” And pets may pose a particular hazard because their relationships with people can be very close.
“If you think about the individuals with whom you have the closest contact in terms of duration, intensity, intimacy, in most people, it’s going to be the spouse, then small children, then pets,” Dr. Weese said. “For some people, pets are No. 1 on the list.”

4 YEARS TODAY -- Wednesday September 16th, 2009

September 16, 2005
We want to thank each of you who have stopped by to check out the crazy rag-tag group of truck drivers, men and women, who have volunteered (willingly) to transport needy pets across the county as they do their regular jobs.
These big-hearted pet-loving drivers put animals they know nothing about in the truck with them, sleep with them, eat with them, play with them, and absolutely love on them as if each with their own pet.
While we have not been able to transport each and every pet we have had on our Pet Board, the 383 (and counting) we have been able to help are in much happier places. We have transported mainly dogs, but there have been cats, ferrets, rats, & hamsters also. Most of these have been for rescues, but individuals, including drivers, have been able to get their own pets returned.
If you have not yet put your application in to help us expand our nationwide network of Layover Homes and Shuttle Drivers, please do so. Go to our website www.operationroger.com. Go over to Applications and scroll down to APP INSTRUCTIONS for steps to either getting registered or finding the application you want.
Thank each one of you again. We couldn't have done it without you. Know one thing...we all love doing what we do. Keep us busy!
Sue Wiese, President, Operation Roger Trucker Pet Transport.

FOR THE RECORD RADIO -- Wednesday September 2nd, 2009

Hosted by Raleigh Adams
September 5, 2009
Operation Roger Founder/President Sue Wiese will be a guest on FOR THE RECORD with host Raleigh Adams on Saturday, September 5, 2009. This initial interview will introduce Operation Roger Truckers Pet Transport to truckers, pet rescues, and the general public of what the Operation Roger volunteer truck drivers do along with the need for all to get involved in their Layover Home and Shuttle Driver programs to help needy pets get across the country to loving furever homes.
FOR THE RECORD’s radio, internet, and short wave programming promotes public awareness and education on community issues and interest. FOR THE RECORD is broadcast on Saturdays on the following FM & AM Family Radio stations at the listed times (15 minute radio program-Full half hour over the Internet).
RADIO (Pacific & Central time zones) *WEST COAST* at
12:30 a.m. / 6:30 a.m. / 12 Noon / 5 p.m.
INTERNET at www.familyradio.com at
12 noon and 5 p.m.
AL, Birmingham - WBFR - 89.5 FM
AZ, Phoenix - KPHF - 88.3 FM
CA, Bakersfield - KFRB - 91.3 FM
CA, Chico - KHAP - 89.1 FM
CA, Coalinga - KFRP - 90.7 FM
CA, Fresno - KFNO - 90.3 FM
CA, Merced-Modesto - KEFR - 89.9 FM
CA, Ridgecrest-Mojave - KFRJ - 91.1 FM
CA, Sacramento - KEAR-FM - 88.1 FM
CA, Sacramento - KEBR - 1210 AM
CA, San Diego-El Cajon - KECR 910 AM
CA, San Francisco - WFRC - 610 AM
CA, Santa Maria - KHFR - 89.7 FM
CA, Soledad-King City - KFRS - 89.9 FM
CA, Ukiah - KPRA - 89.5 FM
CO, Pueblo - KFRY - 89.9 FM
IA, Des Moines - KDFR - 91.3 FM
IA, Fort Dodge - KEGR - 89.5 FM
IA, Shenandoah-Omaha - KYFR - 920 AM
KS, Emporia - KPOR - 90.7 FM
MT, Butte - KFRD - 88.3 FM
MT, Great Falls - KFRW - 91.9 FM
ND, Bismarck - KFRD - 88.3 FM
OR, Newport - KYOR - 88.9 FM
OR, Portland-East of Mt. Hood - KPFR - 89.5FM
OR, Springfield-Eugene - KQFE - 88.9 FM
SD, Aberdeen-Redfield - KKAA - 1560 AM
SD, Aberdeen-Redfield - KQKD - 1380 AM
SD, Rapid City - KQFR - 89.9 FM
TX, Beaumont-Port Arthur - KTXF - 89.7 FM
TX, El Paso - KEAR - 91.7 FM Translator
TX, Galveston - KEAR - 91.1 FM Translator
WA, Seattle-Kirkland - KARR - 1460 AM
WA, Longview-Kelso - KJVH - 89.5 FM
WI, Milwaukee - WMWK - 88.1 FM
RADIO (Mountain & Eastern time zones) *EAST COAST* at
1 a.m. / 7:30 a.m. / 1 p.m. / 6 p.m. at
INTERNET at www.familyradio.com
1 p.m. and 6 p.m.
CT, Hartford-Vernon - WCTF - 1170 AM
FL, St. Petersburg - WFTI - 91.7 FM
GA, Americus - WFRP - 88.7 FM
GA, Columbus - WFRC - 90.5 FM
NY, Buffalo - WFBF - 89.9 FM
NY, Webster-Rochester - WFRW - 88.1 FM
OH, Cuyahoga Falls-Akron-Cleveland - WCUE - 1150 AM
OH, Toledo - WOTL - 90.3 FM
OH, Youngstown - WYTN - 91.7 FM
PA, Erie - WEFR - 88.1 FM
PA, Johnstown - WFRJ - 88.9 FM
SC, Charleston - WFCH - 88.5 FM

WHAT IS YOUR PET'S AGE -- Monday July 13th, 2009

(The following is from the Burleson (TX) Star 9/17/08.)

Scientists and veterinarians have determined a correct way of calculating a dog or cat's age.
"It's a dog's life" and "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" are common sayings, but there is a formula for determining how old a dog is and how long it is expected to live. A common formula is to multiply a pet's age by seven to get the equivalent in human years, but that is inaccurate considering maturity rate.
It takes a graduated formula to consider the fact that dogs mature faster than humans and then age slower later in life.
A 4-month-old puppy can run, jump and play. In contrast, a human baby at 4-months-old is only taking its first steps. Furthermore, most dogs can reproduce at 14 months while humans can not normally reproduce until ages 8-10 (years).
The first year of a pet's life is roughly equivalent to the first 15 years of a human's life, and two pet years are equal to about 24 human years. After that, each year for a pet is about four human years.
Dan Edwards knows dogs - The Alvarado Animal Control officer has worked with them most of his life. Edwards said a happy home can add up to a longer life for a pet. "It's hard to explain, but a dog's environment can effect how long it will live," he said. "A happy and healthy dog will be more active and live longer."
Cats are equal to small dogs, but larger dogs age quicker and live shorter than small dogs. The health of a pet also determines how long it can live. For instance, a fat dog or cat will not live as long as it could if it were a fit pet.

CHART - DOG/HUMAN Dog's Age/Weight = Human Age:
1 year / 1-20# = 7 years
1 year / 21-50# = 8 years
1 year / 51-90# = 9 years
2 years / 1-20# = 15 years
2 years / 21-50# = 17 years
2 years / 51-90# = 19 years
5 years / 1-20# = 36 years
5 years / 21-50# = 37 years
5 years / 51-90# = 40 years
7 years / 1-20# = 44 years
7 years / 21-50# = 47 years
7 years / 51-90# = 45 years
10 years / 1-20# = 56 years
10 years / 21-50# = 50 years
10 years / 51-90# = 66 years
12 years / 1-20# = 64 years
12 years / 21-50# = 69 years
15 years / 1-20# = 76 years
15 years / 21-50# = 83 years
15 years / 51-90# = 93 years
20 years / 1-20# = 96 years
20 years / 21-50# = 105 years
20 years / 51-90# = 120 years

Cat's Age/Weight = Human Age:
1 year = 6 years
2 years = 24 years
5 years = 36 years
7 years = 45 years
10 years = 55 years
12 years = 64 years
15 years = 76 years
20 years = 98 years

MATS 2009 LOUISVILLE KY -- Monday March 16th, 2009


TRUCKERS CONNECTION 3/09 -- Monday March 9th, 2009

TRUCKERS CONNECTION, a magazine found at truck stops has honored us again with the FRONT COVER and an article entitled OPERATION ROGER RIDES AGAIN, found on Pages 40-45, and written by Jennifer Hawks.
The front cover highlights the Mid-America Truck Show (MATS) in Louisville, KY, and Ruby, a Nova Scotian Duck Trolling Retriever we had transported, along with many other animals. It is a very neat layout.

AGE TERMINOLOGY -- Tuesday February 10th, 2009

AGE TERMINOLOGY Every child is proud of their fractions - fractions of age, that is. From the time can understand ages we say we are, for example, 2 ½. When we enter about the 4th-5th grade and learn about math fractions, we aren’t just 9 -
WE: ARE 9 ¼, 9 ½, 9 ¾
ARE - 100 ¼, 100 ½, 100 ¾, etc.

9 Crucial Safety Tips -- Thursday January 15th, 2009

9 Crucial Safety Tips
Because abductions happen even in daylight hours, refresh yourself of these things to do in an emergency situation... While this is aimed mainly at women, men and children need to be aware as well.
The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse, DO NOT HAND IT TO HIM … Toss it away from you … Chances are that he is more interested in your wallet and/or purse than you, and he will go for the wallet/purse. Then … RUN LIKE MAD IN THE OTHER DIRECTION! 3) TRUNK OF A CAR:
If all else fails and you are thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see you, but everybody else will. This has saved lives.
Women in particular have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit (doing their checkbook, or making a list, etc.) … DON'T DO THIS!
a) A predator could be watching you, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get in on the passenger side, put a gun to your head, and tell you where to go. AS SOON AS YOU GET INTO YOUR CAR, LOCK THE DOORS AND LEAVE.
b) If someone is in the car with a gun to your head … DO NOT DRIVE OFF! Repeat: DO NOT DRIVE OFF! … Instead gun the engine and speed into anything, wrecking the car. Your Air Bag will save you. If the person is in the back seat, they will get the worst of it. As soon as the car crashes, bail out and run. It is better than having them find your body in a remote location.
a) Be aware: Look around you. Look into your car. At the passenger side floor. And in the back seat.
b) If you are parked next to a big van, enter your car from the passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars.
c) Look at the car: Parked on the driver's side of your vehicle. And the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the passenger seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policeman to walk you back out with you.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
ALWAYS take the elevator instead of the stairs. Stairwells are horrible places to be alone. And the perfect crime spot … (This is especially true at NIGHT!) 7) RUN:
If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control … ALWAYS RUN! … The predator will only hit you (a running target), 4 in 100 times; and even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN, Preferably in a zigzag pattern!
Women tend to be sympathetic to strangers. STOP! It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane or a limp, and often asked for help into his vehicle, or with his vehicle, which is how he abducted most of his victims. 9) CRYING BABY:
This story is told: A woman heard a crying baby on her porch. She thought it was weird and called the police. The police told her … 'Whatever you do, DO NOT Open the door.'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window, and she was worried it would crawl to the street and get run over. The policeman said,' We already have a unit on the way. Whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homes thinking that someone dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doors when they're home alone at night. 10) WATER SCAM:
If you wake up in the middle of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! … These people turn on all your outside water taps full blast, so that you will go out to investigate and then they attack.
*Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbors!*

ALERT: Pimple Ball w/Bell -- Tuesday January 13th, 2009

Scary and true. Check it out on snopes.
If you don't have a dog, send it to your friends who do.
[Pictures included in e-mail but they would not transfer to here.]
On June 22, 2008 , my 10-year old lab mix, Chai, sustained a severe injury from a product that the company Four Paws, Inc., produces. The toy I'm referencing is the pimple ball with bell (Item #20227-001, UPC Code #0 4566320227 9).
While chewing on the toy, a vacuum was created and it effectively sucked his tongue into the hole in the ball. From speaking with my vet , this likely occurred because there is not a second hole in the ball preventing the vacuum effect from happening. I became aware of this when Chai approached a friend at my home whimpering with the ball in his mouth. She tried unsuccessfully to remove the ball but the tongue had swollen and could not be released.
Chai was taken to the Animal Medical Center (an emergency care facility in New York City ) and was treated by Dr. Nicole Spurlock to have the ball removed. Because the size of the opening on the ball was so small, all circulation to his tongue was cut off. The doctors had to sedate him in order to remove it. Once the ball was removed, his tongue swelled to the point that he could no longer put it in his mouth. Chai was sent home with care instructions and to be observed overnight for any changes.
By the following morning, Chai's tongue had swollen even more. He was taken to his regular vet , Dr. Timnah Lee, for treatment. He was admitted and kept sedated for a period of three days during which time they were treating his wounds and waiting to determine how much of his tongue could be saved.
On June 26, 2008 , Chai had his tongue amputated. He was kept in after-care for an additional three days. On Sunday, June 29th, I brought Chai home from the vet with a barrage of home care instructions, to last for an additional 7 days. His next visit was to have his mouth re-examined and have the feeding tube in his neck removed.
On the way home from the vet we stopped at Petland Discount where I purchased their product to speak to the manager on duty. Upon meeting Chai and seeing his condition, he removed all of the balls in question from the shelves. He also gave me the customer service number to their corporate headquarters to request that they refuse to continue purchasing all Four Paws products, but I have not called them as of yet .
Additionally, I shared my story with friends who have a French Bulldog named Petunia. Upon hearing my story, their eyes widened. They explained that the same thing happened twice in one night with a smaller version of the same ball to their dog. Fortunately, they were able to pull it off before the tongue swelled, but not without tremendous effort and pain to the dog. They recalled how horrific it was to hear their dog screaming while they had to pry the ball from her tongue.
To date, my veterinary bills total over $5,000 and I will have regular follow up appointments for some time. Additionally, Chai now requires a much more expensive form of food because of this injury, averaging approximately $200 per month.
Additionally, I now have to re-teach my dog to eat, drink and adjust to life without his tongue. Feeding him takes me about 90 minutes twice a day and for at least this first week he is not to be unattended for more than 20 minutes at a time.
I sent this information along with the reference to the French Bulldog to Four Paws, Inc., and it is their position that there just aren't enough instances to do anything about this. I told their insurance company's case manager that was not a good enough excuse. It was inferred that my dogs value wasn't much and that his pain and suffering don't count as he is just a piece of property. *********************************************

RECALL:TIMBERWOLF ORGANIC -- Friday January 9th, 2009

Date: January 8, 2009 2:44:50 PM CST
Subject: Fwd: RECALL: TImberwolf Organics Dog food!
[Oh my gosh ! Please read and pass it along ~ Glenda]
---------- Forwarded message ----------
[Just got this from a friend...the links check out. The recommendation is to STOP feeding this food -- and please pass along to others! -Wendy M.]
____________ _________ If you feed this food - don't. I just found out from my pet food store (Cutters Mill) last week that Timberwolf had a recall on several types of their dry dog food. This information came up in a conversation with one of the employees and was not announced or posted anywhere in the store. It has been kept very hush, hush by the Timberwolf Organics comany.
Apparently there have been reports of this food making dogs ill for months and months which was, even after all of the recalls a year or so ago, were not immediately addressed or addressed at all for months by the company. They have never issued an explanation and have been very uncooperative with consumers who have tried to contact them either with concerns or regarding their pet's illnesses.
Please don't feed this food and please tell anyone you know who may feed it not to do so. I was shocked about this information and am very concerned as I liked the ingredients of the food and, thinking I was providing a healthy choice for my dogs, regularly have fed Timberwolf for about a year and a half.
Here are a few links to information:
http://thewholedog. org/wholedognews /?p=128
http://www.petsugar .com/1692275 *********************************************
